#!/opt/pub/bin/perl # Lager smaa "-icon.gif" versjoner av alle tiff-filene i katalogen # Disse har faatt redusert fargene. Alle ikoner deler paa en pott # av $quant_no_cols farger. # # Steinar Bang, 940916 # $gallery="/home/steinarb/wwwhome/dod/gallery/steinarb" ; $cur_dir="." ; $icon_dir="$cur_dir/.icons"; $prefix_file="$cur_dir/prefix.html" ; $suffix_file="$cur_dir/suffix.html" ; # $quant_no_cols=16 ; $thumbnail_height=40 ; # Height in pixels $thumbnail_height=66 ; # Height in pixels opendir(IMAGEDIR, "."); @allfiles = sort(readdir(IMAGEDIR)); closedir(IMAGEDIR) ; @jpgfiles = grep(/.*\.jpg/, @allfiles) ; @giffiles = grep(/.*\.gif/, @allfiles) ; @rootnames = () ; @rootpaths = () ; @pnmfiles = (); @descfiles = () ; # Make ./.icons if it doesn't exist if (!-d $icon_dir) { mkdir($icon_dir,0777) ; } print STDERR "Lager PNM-filer og reduserer hoeyden til $thumbnail_height piksler:\n" ; foreach $f (@jpgfiles) { local ($rootname) = (&rootname($f)) ; local ($rootpath) = (&rootpath($f)) ; local($pnm) = ("$icon_dir/$rootname.pnm") ; print STDERR "Lager og skalerer $pnm\n" ; system("djpeg $f | pnmscale -height $thumbnail_height >$pnm") ; # system("djpeg $f | pnmscale -height $thumbnail_height | ppmnorm >$pnm") ; push (@pnmfiles,$pnm) ; print STDERR "rootname: $rootname rootpath: $rootpath\n" ; push(@rootnames, $rootname) ; push(@rootpaths, $rootpath) ; } foreach $f (@giffiles) { local ($rootname) = (&rootname($f)) ; local ($rootpath) = (&rootpath($f)) ; local($pnm) = ("$icon_dir/$rootname.pnm") ; print STDERR "Lager og skalerer $pnm\n" ; system("giftopnm $f | pnmscale -height $thumbnail_height >$pnm") ; # system("giftopnm $f | pnmscale -height $thumbnail_height | ppmnorm >$pnm"); push (@pnmfiles,$pnm) ; print STDERR "rootname: $rootname rootpath: $rootpath\n" ; push(@rootnames, $rootname) ; push(@rootpaths, $rootpath) ; } print STDERR "Kvantiserer alle PNM-filene..." ; system ("ppmquantall $quant_no_cols " . join(" ",@pnmfiles)) ; print STDERR "ferdig\n" ; print STDERR "Sletter gamle ikoner..." ; system("rm $icon_dir/*.gif") ; print STDERR "ferdig\n" ; print STDERR "Lager GIF-ikoner:\n" ; foreach $f (@pnmfiles) { local ($rootname) = &rootname($f) ; local ($gif) = ("$rootname.gif") ; print STDERR "Lager $gif\n" ; # system ("ppmquant -fs $quant_no_cols $f | ppmtogif >$gif") ; # system ("ppmtogif $f >$gif") ; system ("pnmcrop $f | ppmtogif >$gif") ; } print STDERR "Sletter PNM-filer..." ; system("rm $icon_dir/*.pnm") ; print STDERR "ferdig\n" ; print STDERR "Lager \"index.html\":\n" ; open(INDX, ">index.html") ; if (-r $prefix_file) { open(DESC, $prefix_file); while() { print INDX ; } close(DESC) ; } else { $pwdnam = $ENV{'PWD'} ; $pwdnam =~ s#(\w*/)*(\w+)$#\2# ; print INDX "\n\n" ; print INDX "\n" ; print INDX "\n" ; print INDX "\n\"$pwdnam\" picture archive\n\n" ; print INDX "\n\n\n" ; print INDX "

\n\"$pwdnam\" picture archive\n

\n" ; } $cur_counter = 1; foreach $f (@jpgfiles) { local ($rootname, $ext) = split(/\./, $f) ; local ($txt) = ("$rootname.txt") ; local ($icon) = ("$icon_dir/$rootname.gif") ; local ($jpg) = ($f) ; print INDX "

\n" ; $cur_counter++ ; $desc = `rdjpgcom $jpg` ; # Get JPEG comment, if any if ($desc) { # unpack any quoted octal values from the JPEG comment $desc =~ s/\\(\d\d\d)/pack("C",oct($1))/ge ; print INDX "$desc\n" ; } elsif (-r $txt) { open(DESC, "$txt"); while() { print INDX ; } close(DESC) ; } $jpg_size = (stat($jpg))[7] ; printf(INDX "(JPEG %1.0fK).", ($jpg_size / 1024)) ; print INDX "

\n" ; } $cur_counter = 1; foreach $f (@giffiles) { local ($rootname, $ext) = split(/\./, $f) ; local ($txt) = ("$rootname.txt") ; local ($icon) = ("$icon_dir/$rootname.gif") ; local ($gif) = ($f) ; print INDX "

\n" ; $cur_counter++ ; if (-r $txt) { open(DESC, "$txt"); while() { print INDX ; } close(DESC) ; } $gif_size = (stat($gif))[7] ; printf(INDX "(GIF %1.0fK).", ($gif_size / 1024)) ; print INDX "

\n" ; } if (-r $suffix_file) { open(DESC, $suffix_file); while() { print INDX ; } close(DESC) ; } else { # Print some blank lines at the end, to allow jumping directly to # name'd elements down in the index $no_of_blank_lines = 40 ; for($i=0; $i<$no_of_blank_lines; $i++) { print INDX "
" ; } print INDX "\n" ; print INDX "\n\n" ; } close(INDX) ; print STDERR "Ferdig\n" ; # # Steinar Bang, Falch Hurtigtrykk, Oslo # # Return the argument filename without the last '.ext' sequence (the # root name of the file). # sub rootname { local($n) = @_ ; # $n =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/ ; $n =~ s/\.\w{0,3}$// ; $n ; } sub rootpath { local($n) = @_ ; $n =~ s/^(.*)\/[^\/]+$/\1/ ; $n ; }